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Πέμπτη 4 Ιουνίου 2015

Evaluation of my video game

Evaluation of my video game
At beginning of my last college year I was planning to make a driving 2D/3D game for my Games Development course. I was thinking about having to control a bike and ensure that the driver will stay on the bike or the bike will stay on the road. I was planning to have a constant background in my game and I if was going to use maps for my game, or just aim to win points. For the creating of my game I had to use Unity for the programming of the game and Blender to design my assets.

After researching about Unity, learning about the fundamentals of making video games and watching different tutorial on YouTube; I changed completely my game idea and decided to make a first person controller shooting/survival game. The environment of my game will be a castle that I designed with Blender. Within the game environment I have included some assets that I have made on my own such as the gun, the door of the castle, the whole castle but I have also used already made assets that are available for free at the Unity asset store.  My enemies look like zombies and their aim is to chase the player and kill him. Also the player has unlimited bullets.
During the production of the game, I have faced many different difficulties with some of them still occurring.  The majority of the errors were related with the code. Fortunately, there are many unity forums on the web which helped me solved the majority of the bugs. The only error which still occurs is with the enemies which don’t work as I have planned and this is my only anxiety about my game right now. Furthermore, another mistake that I faced but I solved effectively was on how to turn my game into a first person controller. Fortunately, I found some useful tutorials on YouTube that helped me solve this issue. In general, the tutorial that I used the most is the survival tutorial that is provided in Unity’s website and had analytical information and guidance regarding different stages of the production of a video game.

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