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Δευτέρα 22 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014

Assignment 3D-The basics

3D is a three-dimensional technology that helps the interactive media and the computer games to look more realistic and as a result to be more attractive to people. Sometimes it makes the gamers imagine that you are in the screen and makes you feel that everything you are watching even if it’s fake such as a video game is real and you participate in it.
YouTube is one of the interactive media which uses the 3D technology.  Special screen requirements are needed to ensure that 3D videos can be played. Additionally you need to have 3D glasses to watch the video otherwise the quality will look very low or you won’t understand any difference. Nowadays, this equipment is very expensive and as a result most people cannot have access to 3D technology. The 3D technology is not very developed at YouTube yet but for sure it will be very popular the next years. This will happen because the technology is developing rapidly and the majority of people use the latest technology available.
Over the recent years the industries have started making 3D video games. This make the games develop scenes similar to the real-life.  We can also see the development of the video games in the graphics. Nowadays, the graphics look real, are very detailed and are representing a fake reality compared to the past when their quality was really low. The scenes of the games look so actual and sometimes you think that you are watching a movie. The majority of people who are related with the technology are wondering which will be the next step after it.  The picture above is from ''Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3',' which is a video game with 3D graphics. As it is shown it looks like you are the soldier and you participate in a real war. You can see that every asset such as buildings, soldiers, guns, sky are represented in three-axes. As a result you can see the depth of the assets and look them from different angles, something that you couldn't do with the 2D technology. Before, with the 2D technology, we were able to see only assets in two axes, the horizontal and vertical and that's why the graphics were much more unrealistic. 
The use of 3D is also very widespread within films. Nowadays, almost all the movies come with a 3D version and most cinemas have 3D screens with glasses required for the people to be able to watch the film. As a result 3D is at every kind of interactive media.
At 1995 a movie director called James Cameron had the idea of the Avatar, a film that requires blending live-action sequences and digitally captured performances in a three-dimensional, computer-generated world. This was impossible to happen in 1995 and Cameron had to wait for another ten years to see  his idea becoming reality. The technology was developed enough to make his project come true. 
The "Avatar" was shot in stereoscopic 3D. The production company didn't have to work only with WETA on 3D to create the CG scenes (as all the other laboratories did  using special effects such as ILM), and the live action scenes were filmed also in 3D. For this purpose, Cameron used the Fusion Camera System, which is developed together with Vince Pace. It took seven years to build the system Fusion, which is the most advanced stereoscopic camera system in the world. The cameras worked perfectly on set of "Avatar", allowing the live action scenes to join smoothly with the CG scenes in a uniform whole.

There are many 3D applications which can be used for animation, designing, which can give you many designing abilities. Their only disadvantage is that time and tutorials are required to be familiar with these programmes. It is very easy to find tutorials on websites such as youtube and dailymotion which can be viewed for free. Except for that some of this software can be found for free so everyone can give a try. 
Blender is considered one of the top 3D software as I found from an article of the ''http://www.animationcareerreview.com/''. It’s available for free and it can help you do modelling, texturing, animation, rendering and compositing. Other popular programs such as Daz Studio and Sculptress are also really good and can help you create amazing 3D environments but have a quite high price.
The screen has 2 dimensions something that the PC displays to the programmers and the users didn't use to work with 3D objects on the computer. To be able to work with 3D objects we need to convert the objects to 2D images which require high computational power, knowledge something that a few years ago was not available. The fact that the graphics are improving and people have more requirements, new graphic cards were announced to the market which started supporting the 3D technology. As a result 3D technology started becoming more popular, upgrading the level of the video games.  People wanted realistic games, with more detailed graphics which run faster and 3D was the solution. 
Geometric explanation of 3D

3D can be defined as any object that exists on a three-axis. To understand easier what is the three-axis we can compare it to the most common from the Geometry example with two axes (Cartesian system) x (horizontal) and y (vertical).  3D has only one difference with that, one extra axis (Z) which represents the depth. While making my assets, using Blender and my game, using Unity, I need to make sure that the 3D mode is on. As a result my assets and my game will be made in three-axes.

Geometric theory
This example of  3D object is made with Blender
and copied from Blender's website.
3D objects are made up by using polygons. Polygons are shapes which have two dimensions and contain vertexes which are edited to make a shape.  The polygons have three components the vertice, the edge and the face. Firstly we need to create two vertices and connect them with a line. If we add another vertice and connect it with the others we create a triangle. Inside the triangle we have the face. It’s very common to combine polygons in order to create a big shape. 

Geometric Theory in Video Games
Geometric theory is a way to model objects in video games. To start designing an object you use an initial mesh that then is edited and adjusted as the designer wants by using textures. Different polygons are used and combined to create a shape for a game. Once the 2D polygons have all been joined together into their desired shape with no vertices left detached, the shape that is created becomes a 3D model composed entirely of 2D polygons. When designing an object with Blender, I have to use this theory. For example, at the beginning I will add a sphere and then I will adjust it as I prefer, changing its shape, or extruding it etc. Then I will add another mesh. I will follow the same process for all the meshes and at the end after having combined different polygons combined my object will be made. 
Mesh construction
Box Modelling: At this method shapes such as boxes, cones, spheres, cylinders, tubes, torus etc. are used to create a more complex shape. At box modelling we aim to create a draft of the final object.
Extrusion Modelling: We start with a line and we are trying to extrude it in order to create a shape. Mainly, we begin by creating a part of the object we want to design. For example if we want to design a house we can first start with the perimeter by designing each line separately. After we can do the same with the windows, doors etc. 

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