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Πέμπτη 27 Νοεμβρίου 2014

Legal and ethical obligation within the video games industry

Identify, explain and discuss in groups of three (recorded) or as a written document, the contractual, legal and ethical obligations within the games industry – using specific industry examples.
contract is a legally binding or valid agreement between two parties. The law will consider a contract to be valid if the agreement contains all of the following elements:
1.      offer and acceptance;
2.      an intention between the parties to create binding relations;
3.      consideration to be paid for the promise made;
4.      legal capacity of the parties to act;
5.      genuine consent of the parties; and
6.      Legality of the agreement.
An agreement that lacks one or more of the elements listed above is not a valid contract. It’s not necessary for all the types of contracts to be written down but it very useful to have something written down to ensure that the agreement will not break down. At a written contract all the members related to the contract are obligated to sign the document to make the contract valid.
There are different types of contracts:
Employment contacts: Every employee has a contract with their employer. In every contract all the terms of it all included. These can vary depending on the agreement between the two parties. For an employment contract this can be the salary, his/her duties and responsibilities, the right and the employment conditions.
License Agreements: This writing agreement is between an owner of a property or an activity that gives the permission to someone else to use the property. This property can be real, personal or intellectual. Additionally, this type of agreement is used in industries such as technology, biotechnology and publishing and is a large part of intellectual property law, mainly in terms of copyrights, trademarks and patents.
Confidentiality Agreements: It is a contract between two or more parties also known as NDA. The terms of the agreement are maintained in secrecy between for the parties who are included in the agreement. This agreement protects nonpublic business information. This type of agreement is mainly signed by businesses which negotiate with each other about doing business together.
Collaboration Agreements: It is an agreement that have been made between two or more companies for the conditions of a project. Each company depending on the terms of the agreements has commitments about the projects that include different sectors such as funding, the marketing plan, the termination of the agreement etc. http://contracts.onecle.com/
Every gaming industry has to face a lot of different issues during the development of its product. Companies have to consider seriously the laws related to copyright and trade-marking.  Companies have to ensure that the copyright own and remain to them. Additionally trade-marking is something really important for the success of the video games. It’s the key which will bring mores sales because it’s the unique characteristic of the game.  Sometimes trade marking is very costly for the companies.
Secondly the legislation and the classification of the video games are very important for the development of video games.  The video games have to reach the target audience. This means that if a game has as target audience children under the age of 16, violence cannot be included in the game. PEGI
Nowadays, every video game in Europe has age ratings which are decided by PEGI the Pan-European Game Information. PEGI was launched in spring of 2003 and replaced a plenty of national age rating systems. PEGI is now used mainly in Europe, in 30 countries (Austria, Denmark, Hungary, Latvia, Norway, Slovenia, Belgium, Estonia, Iceland, Lithuania, Poland, Spain, Bulgaria, Finland, Ireland, Luxembourg, Portugal, Sweden, Cyprus, France, Israel, Malta, Romania, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, the Netherlands, Slovak Republic and the United Kingdom) and it is supported by the major console manufacturers, including Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo, as well as by publishers and developers of interactive games throughout Europe. The age rating system was developed by the Interactive Software Federation of Europe (ISFE).
Age ratings are used to ensure that the entertainment content of the video game is clearly labelled by age according to the content they contain.  Age rating gives information to the costumers, especially to the parents to decide if the game is the suitable product or not. The PEGI labels appear in the front or the back side of the game’s package indicating one of the following pictures.
The content of the games is for all ages. If there is any violent is in a comical context land in this participate cartoons. The child should understand that the game is complete fantastic, unreal. Also in the game should not be included sounds and pictures that are scary or have bad language.
 PEGI 12
In this category should be included games which can be rated also at 3. The only difference is some scary scenes and sounds which are more suitable for this category.
 PEGI 12
In the category over 12 there are some sights of violence and have as protagonists more realistic characters like human-looking or animals. Generally the environment of the game is more realistic, nature.  Expresses which include bad language must have not sexual content.
This rating is for games which include violence or sexual content but as it is in the real life. The hardest bad language that can be found is tobacco and drugs. Also there can be criminal scenes.
The adult rating is applied because the level of violence becomes hard. Gross violence is a common phenomenon but the violence that it is included makes people have a sense of revulsion. Behind at the package of the game there is an analytical description about the type of violence that it is used. This can be bad language, fear, drugs, sexual, discrimination, gambling and online gameplay with other people. The age rating is not related with how difficult is a game and what skills are required to play the game. In UK there is also the Video Standards Council which is the second PEGI administrator and checks the high age games against the PEGI criteria.
The Video Standards Council was established in 11th of July of 1989 due to concerns of the Government about video industry. VSC regulates standards for the videos and the video games industries have a Code of Practise which ensures that the movies and the video games provided to the market follow the high standards.
http://www.pegi.info ,http://www.videostandards.org.uk/VSC/, http://www.asa.org.uk

There have been a lot of ethical and religion issues at video games. These can be ethnical and religion issues and the creator of the game have to be careful and to be ready to face them every time. These ethical areas that should be considered when creating a game are the discrimination, drugs, racism, drugs, addicts and children.

Case Study of video Games
Residence Evil 5

A racial ethnic issue took place when the trailer of Residence Evil 5 was announced. The scenario of the game is a white man who is trying to kill black poisoned people who are supposed to be zombies with the objective being to save the humanity. A lot of people used this scene and denounced the creators that they had racist intentions. Nevertheless, if you look clearly at the game you will see that this does not exist. Residence Evil 5 is a game settled in Africa which is a place inhabited mostly by black people. So, its normal the people who will live in this place of the game to be black. Also a lot of people thought that is racism that the black people attack to the protagonist using a lot of times ancient weapons claimed that the creators of the game want to likened them with ancient people. They didn't read the scenario which says that the black people attack because they are poisoned. Additionally, about the fact with the old weapons like spears which are used from the black zombies to attack to the protagonist, we must think that a lot of tribes in Africa use them nowadays for hunting or other activities.
ASA is the Advertising Standards Authority in UK and its responsibility to regulate the advertisements across all the media. It was established in 1962 by CAP and its job is deciding about the complaints and checking the media before do something misleading or offensive about the advertisements.
ASA is also responsible to decide about the advertisements related to video games. An example of ASA’s rules is that the video games which are for people over 18 years old cannot be advertised before 9 p.m. That’s why at 9 p.m. is children’s bedtime. 

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