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    Gaming Magazines


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Δευτέρα 23 Μαρτίου 2015


This year I will make a shooting/survival game. In my video game my main character will be a character who would look like with a minion but it won't be the same. Unfortunately, I couldn't use minions because it would be against the law as it would be copyright. As a result I have decided to design a similar character with some of its characteristics but with many things differing considering that I have to comply with the law.
In the game the character will be under attack by enemies who will have the same design with him but different colours. The aim of my game will be the survival of the character. Furthermore, the character will be enhanced with a gun. I have already designed this gun and it is at the picture below.

 The number of bullets for the player won’t be unlimited. There would be different assets within the game environment of the game that will give bullets to the player. The assets that I am thinking to use for this purpose are stars, mushrooms and bullets.
Health Bar
Additionally, I will use a health bar for the character and probably a score board which will depend on the number of the enemies you have killed. At my game the aim will be to last longer and earn the most points possible. You won't be able to win this game but only to earn points.

My target audience for this video game is people with interest in shooting and survival games. An interesting article which analyses the preferences of people in video games can be found in the link below. This concludes that the majority of males prefer violent games such as shooting games etc. As a result I need to expect to attract more males compared to females in my video game. I am not sure yet about the audio I will use in the game but I think this is the last thing I need to worry about. I prefer to finish the graphics and the code first, ensure that the game has no bugs and then add audio to my game.

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