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Τετάρτη 11 Μαρτίου 2015

Call of Duty Black Ops II

Call of Duty Black Ops II

Call of Duty sold more than 7.5 million copies on launch day. Additionally, it grossed more over $500 million in these 24 hours and more than 1$ billion in the first 15 days of availability.  Activision believes that Call of Duty Black Ops ll day-one shipments were the largest ever for any game. 
http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120 1
Call of Duty Blacks Ops ll, also known as BO2 or BLOPS ll, is a first person shooter game that is developed by Treyarch and published by Activision. It continues the series of Call of Duty Games that announce a new game almost every year. Furthermore, the game is the first Call of Duty game for Nintendo Wii U console.
The single player campaign has two connected storylines in two different periods. The first period is at 1980 to 1989 during the final years of cold war. The second storyline takes place in 2025 during a second cold war. Additionally, it continues the saga of many characters that was introduced to the public at the first version of Black Ops.
https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736 1
The main protagonist of Black Ops, Alex Mason, is the main character at the Cold War section.  He describes how one of his primary antagonists at the game, Raul Menendez raised to infamy. At the second section of Cold War (2025) the son of Alex Mason, David, is the main protagonist. From the other side Menendez is plotting against the USA and Chine to take revenge for the many misfortunes they have caused. There are different possible endings at Black Ops ll. The best possible ending will come in case the player spares Menendez’s life completes all four Strike force missions and both Chloe Lynch and Alex Mason survive the events of the game. There are many different variations when Menendez is killed or Chloe dies.

The game includes a Zombie mode, in which there are many innovations compared to the old versions of the game. The mode is running on the game’s multiplayer engine rather than a modified single player engine.  This lets you support twice as many zombies and twice as many players as before. 
Strike Force
This is the first game of the Call of Duty Series that includes the branching storylines. In that, the player’s choice affects both the current mission and the overall course of the game.  This is known as
“Strike mission” within the game. Depending on how you perform in specific missions determines your options and the storyline of the campaign.  Also, it determines how your antagonist at the game progresses. During the Strike Force mission you can control many different war assets (aerial vehicles, jet fighters).
There are many different weapons that the player can use during the game.  Below you can find all the guns that are available in the game and details about them such as their fire rate, damage, range and accuracy.



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