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    Gaming Magazines


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Πέμπτη 23 Οκτωβρίου 2014


In this document I will present some of my ideas for my video game. I will try to present each sector separately and explain why I decided to make my video game like that. Furthermore, I would like to say that my idea for the game has completely changed from the beginning of the year. After researching on the Internet about Unity and watching tutorials on YouTube I concluded that it would be more interesting for me to try to make a survival/shooting game.
Idea 1: Fight for survival

Platform: My game, especially at the beginning will be made especially for a PC. I have chosen PC compared to the other consoles such as PS4, PS3, Xbox etc. because it is simpler to programme a game on it and it costs less money considering the cost that will be required for the consoles. Additionally, I think that a game made for PC can attract with no cost much more audience. This can happen by promoting my game on social media such as Facebook, Twitter etc.
Genre: This game will be a shooting survival game.  The player will aim for survival and trying to kill all the minions that will attack to him and survive.
My target audience: I plan to aim my game for people with interest in shooting and survival games. An interesting article which analyses the preferences of people in video games can be found in the link below. This concludes that the majority of males prefer violent games such as shooting games etc. As a result I need to expect to attract more males compared to females in my video game.

The Storyline: In my video game my main character will be a minion who will be under attack by other minions of different colours. The aim of my game will be the survival of the minion. I am planning to use a shotgun for the minion which will be enhanced to him. His number of bullets won’t be unlimited. I think that it would be a good idea to place some stars on the game environment which will give bullets to the player.  I will use a health bar for the minion and probably a score which will depend of the number of the minions you have killed. I haven’t decided yet about the environment of my game. I am thinking to have a forest or something which looks like with the space but I am not sure yet about that.  

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